Black and White Photography

Karri Forest II - Desolation (Archive)

  Karri Forest II - Logging Desolation  


"We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us.
When we see land as part of a community to which we belong we may begin to use it with love and respect"

Aldo Leopold, 1949

This portfolio shows the damage done to the main karri forest belt for the Western Australian Forest Products Commission. This damage to the environment continues, makes a financial loss and is subsidised by the WA taxpayer.  The Western Australian Gov't promised to end native forest logging at the beginning of this year, 2024.  This was a lie, native forest logging continues under the guise of "Environmetal Thinning", which means ancient trees in National (Notional) Parks are now available for logging.

John Austin on forest desolation, from an interview by Sarah Drummond

". . . ‘I decided to move down to the southern forests, to work in a really quiet and contemplative way. But when I moved into the forest I found the truth about it.’ The battle to save the south west old growth forests from large scale logging wasn’t on John’s radar until he moved to the tiny timber town of Quinninup. ‘There was nothing quiet and contemplative about it all,’ he said. ‘It was mayhem. It was like a battle scene.’

John instantly took a side, despite his documentary maker mates and mentors advising him against partisanship - in order to document all forces at play in the political upheaval. ‘I thought, “well, actually I can. This is my stance and my work will be better for it.”’

I asked him, did he think it was disingenuous for photographers and journalists to claim impartiality?

‘If they are, then how can they be engaged?’ replied John. ‘If you engage with a conflict, then I think you cannot be impartial.’ He wrote on his website, ‘To make pretty pictures without subject engagement is theft, whether landscapes or people'

. . . and I feel this is where John was coming from when it came to the landscape and people of the forest conflict. As war correspondent Martha Gellhorn wrote, ‘I don’t have time for that objectivity shit.’"

Dr Sarah Drummond, catalogue essay John Austin Survey II 1994 - 2017, pub Bunbury Regional Art Gallery 2017

  • Karri Forest II - Desolation (Archive)
Whim, Gardner State Forest 1998 - © John Austin Gardner State Forest 1999 - © John Austin Chanybearup State Forest 2013 - © John Austin Lane State Forest 1999 - © John Austin
 Snig Track, Boorara State Forest, 2000 - © John Austin Sutton State Forest after clearfelling and burning, 1997 - © John Austin Seven Dead Emus, Quinninup 1996 - © John Austin Burn Damaged Granite Outcrop, Sutton State Forest after clearfelling and burning, 1997 - © John Austin
Flooded Log Landing, Gardner State Forest after clearfelling, 1998 - © John Austin Karri Tree Crown, Boorara State Forest, 2001 - © John Austin Burnt paperbark (Melaleuca) swamp, Karara Forest, WA 2004 - © John Austin Infant Quokka (Setonyx brachyurus) Western Australia 2003 - © John Austin
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