Signs and Situations
I have always made pictures in recognition of the odd and the commonplace. These images were and are spontaneous responses to light and events and a foil to my more considered protfolios.
Exhibiton History
Before 2017 these pix were mainly filed and forgotten. During discussions in early 2017 with Julian Bowron, then Director at Bunbury Regional Art Gallery, about the content of John Austin Survery II I started to consider these as a portfolio in their own right. A lot of forgotten material surfaced following these discussions, from South Yemen in 1967, Bugis Street, Singapore in 1969, to the preparations for the survey show itself. These spontanious records are continuing.
During the preparation of my 2017 John Austin Survey II exhibition I decided on a printed image size of 7 x 11.5" image size.for the snapshots on Fomabrom Variant. Size selection took a lot of thought and I considered sizes from 5 x 7" to 12 x 16". I almost settled on 10x8" paper, but ended up using 9½ x 12" for the 7¼ x 11" image size. Printing for the snapshots is undertaken with the same level of care as my other prints.
None of my images are cropped, ever! Cropping shows a lack of control and poor camera management.